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Hello everyone, Charlie here again. After my heart attack, I quickly became aware of just how much sodium was in my go-to delivery meals. My favorite medium Italian sub? 2650 mg of sodium. That hamburger with french fries? Combined, they had around 2200 mg of sodium. And don’t even get me started on the sodium bomb that was the Chinese food I so frequently indulged in.

The numbers were shocking and, quite honestly, a little overwhelming. To burn off the calories from just one of those Italian subs, I would need to walk for a whopping 160 minutes. Who has time for that?

It was a hard pill to swallow, but it was also a wake-up call. I realized I couldn’t continue down the path of high sodium, convenience-over-health food choices. Not if I wanted to stick around for a while longer.

Nowadays, I find myself in the kitchen more often than not, preparing meals that I know are good for me. I’m learning more about nutrition, researching low-sodium alternatives, and constantly on the lookout for heart-healthy recipes. It’s not always easy, but it is gratifying to know I’m doing something good for my body.

My journey into the world of low-sodium cooking isn’t just about finding recipes that work for me. It’s about sharing them with you, so we can all make better, healthier choices. And if I find any heart-friendly meals that can be delivered right to my doorstep without compromising on sodium levels? You’ll be the first to know.

Stay with me on this journey. Together, we can redefine what it means to eat well and live healthily. Because our hearts deserve nothing less.


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