Personal Journey. Not a Sermon

Drowning in a salt shaker? My 1200mg wake-up call.

From a startling text to my neighbor, ‘Need to go to hospital. I think I’m having a heart attack.’ my journey towards Sodium Smart Living began.

Teach your family to have an healthy relationship with food.

Hi, I’m Charlie!

This is about my personal journey towards a healthier, low-sodium lifestyle.

I want to be crystal clear – I’m not here to lecture or wag my finger at you. This is about my personal journey towards a healthier, low-sodium lifestyle. I’m sharing this primarily for myself, a kind of breadcrumb trail if you will, to ensure I’m making the choices that keep me striding down the path of health. And I’m not alone in this journey, I have a dear friend, Carly, who has been an irreplaceable support system in this endeavor. Carly and the rest of my friends have been rocks – supporting, encouraging, and joining me in this pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.

So if any of this information strikes a chord, motivates, or even just tickles your fancy, then that’s a nice little bonus. But when the sun sets, this is about taking care of Charlie, the slightly grouchy, sarcastic but loveable guy who’s hell-bent on sticking around for many more morning walks in Newport Beach with his dogs, and countless memorable moments with his invaluable friends.

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Plant-Based? More Like Lab-Based!

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Look, I'm an old-school guy. Give me a simple meal, no fuss, no frills, and for heaven's sake, no 15-syllable chemical compounds. Lately, there's all this buzz about 'plant-based' this and 'meatless' that. Good for [...]

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