In a world that’s rapidly going gaga over plant-based burgers, I often find myself bucking the trend. As an old timer, I’m not really sold on this plant-based hype. Call me stubborn, call me old-fashioned, but a real burger, for me, is made with good old beef.

Here’s my method: I start with a 4-ounce patty made from 90% lean beef. No fancy seasonings needed – just a bit of pepper and my special herb garlic seasoning (no salt, mind you). The patty is hand-formed, giving it a texture that no machine-pressed patty can replicate.

The bun is a basic hamburger bun from my local store or, when I’m ordering through Amazon Fresh, I get their basic hamburger buns. These contain 200 milligrams of sodium, which fits within my daily intake.

As for the condiments, it’s a simple lineup: no-salt Heinz ketchup, no-salt mustard, fresh red onion, a slice of ripe tomato, and sweet pickle relish. I like to top it off with either shredded or whole leaf iceberg lettuce for that refreshing crunch. All this, I believe, allows the flavor of the beef to shine.

And then, the pièce de résistance: grilling it on the barbecue. The smoky char, the juices locked within the patty – there’s a certain magic that only a barbecued beef burger possesses.

Now, let’s talk about the sodium content. A 4-ounce beef patty contains around 75 milligrams of sodium. A similar-sized plant-based patty? Upwards of 400 milligrams. That’s over five times the sodium content of a traditional burger. For someone like me, who has to keep an eye on his sodium intake, the choice seems obvious.

I’ve tried plant-based burgers, and I can tell you this: they’re not fooling anyone with that “tastes just like the real thing” tagline. Maybe younger palates can’t tell the difference, but a beef burger has a depth and richness of flavor that plant substitutes just can’t seem to capture.

So, there you have it. My admittedly unpopular, possibly outdated take on the plant-based phenomenon. But, let’s take a step back and look at this from a health perspective. If, like me, you’ve had a heart attack and you’re watching your sodium intake, you might want to think twice before reaching for a plant-based burger. Surprisingly, many of these patties pack in more sodium than their beef counterparts.

And while I respect everyone’s food choices (to each their own, right?), when it comes to my burger, I’ll stick to beef. I keep the seasoning simple with just pepper and a no-salt garlic herb blend, use condiments that are low or no sodium, and forgo the cheese.

As the late Anthony Bourdain, a man who knew his way around good food, once said: “Stop with the brioche buns. Stop it. I don’t need my hamburger bun to remind me of old, French, overly buttered bread. It’s a hamburger, not a freaking pâtisserie item.” I couldn’t agree more.

Stay tuned to my ramblings about all things food, health, and life. Remember – whatever you choose to eat, enjoy it! Life’s too short for mediocre meals. And when it comes to burgers, keep an eye on that sodium content, especially if heart health is a priority for you.


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